Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (2024)

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Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide

November 11, 2023

- By Steve Chang

Follow these steps to get through all 12 of these challenging races in Sneaky Sasquatch!

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (1)

Let's start with some general tips to beat these races:

  • Identify Race Path: Before starting each race, understand and memorize the specific route you need to take.
  • Avoid Rangers: Strategically avoid rangers and other characters who can interrupt the race.
  • Utilize Disguises: Change into appropriate disguises when necessary to avoid detection, switching outfits to blend in different areas.
  • Collect Food for Energy: Ensure you have enough food for energy, collecting food items during the race.
  • Use Shortcuts: Look for and use shortcuts to save time.
  • Understand Terrain: Adapt your racing strategy according to the terrain, whether it's the campgrounds, RV park, or ski slopes.
  • Repeat Attempts: Don't hesitate to repeat races if you fail, learning from each attempt, especially in the more challenging races.
  • Manage Speed and Stealth: Balance your speed with the need to be stealthy, especially in areas with high ranger presence.
  • Stay Calm Under Pressure: Maintain composure even in difficult parts of the race, especially during challenging moments.
  • Keep Track of Progress: Regularly check your progress in the race challenges, to know how many more races are needed to complete the objective.

Campgrounds Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (2)

  • Race Location: Campgrounds Area
  • Goal: Reach the designated point in the shortest time possible


  • Outfit: Ensure Sasquatch is not in disguise
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed


  1. Start at the location assigned by the rabbit
  2. Select the most direct route to the finish line
  3. Navigate around rangers and campers without getting caught
  4. Maintain a steady running speed throughout
  5. Stay aware of your surroundings to remain on track
  6. Approach the finish line carefully, avoiding last-minute obstacles

Tips and Tricks

  • Practice the route beforehand
  • Stay focused and plan your moves in advance
  • Use the map for navigation assistance
  • Be patient and persistent

RV Park Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (3)

  • Race Location: RV Park
  • Goal: Reach the designated point within the RV park in the shortest time possible


  • Outfit: Ensure Sasquatch is not wearing any disguises for the race
  • Energy Level: Keep Sasquatch well-fed to maintain energy levels during the race


  1. Start from the location where the rabbit sets the challenge
  2. Choose the most direct and obstacle-free route to the finish line
  3. Be mindful of RVs and campers that may slow down your progress
  4. Maintain a consistent running speed, avoiding any stops
  5. Use natural cover like trees and bushes to avoid being spotted by rangers
  6. Watch out for sudden turns and corners within the RV park

Tips and Tricks

  • Familiarize yourself with the RV park layout before the race
  • Stay focused and alert to react quickly to unexpected obstacles
  • Use the map to help navigate if you lose your way
  • Remain patient and persistent, as mastering the route may take a few tries

Golf Course Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (4)

  • Race Location: Golf Course
  • Goal: Reach a specific point within the golf course in the allocated time


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not wear any disguises to participate in the race
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed to sustain energy throughout the race


  1. Start from the location given by the rabbit at the beginning of the race
  2. Plan the most direct route to the finish line, avoiding zigzagging across the course
  3. Be aware of golfers and avoid getting too close to them, as they can alert rangers
  4. Use the terrain to your advantage, such as running downhill for additional speed
  5. Stay alert for water hazards and sand traps, which can slow you down significantly

Tips and Tricks

  • Reconnaissance: Walk the course beforehand to familiarize yourself with its layout
  • Stay focused: Concentrate on the path ahead and avoid distractions
  • Map usage: Glance at the map for navigation if you lose track of your location
  • Persistence: Don't get discouraged if you don't succeed on the first try; practice makes perfect

Maze Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (5)

  • Race Location: The Maze
  • Goal: Navigate through the maze to reach the designated location within the set time limit


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not be in disguise for the race
  • Energy Level: Make sure Sasquatch is well-fed to keep up his energy


  1. Begin the race at the starting point indicated by the rabbit
  2. Choose a path that seems most direct, but be prepared to backtrack if it leads to a dead end
  3. Maintain a fast and steady pace throughout the race
  4. Use memory and landmarks to avoid repeating paths already taken
  5. Stay alert for rangers and avoid being spotted to prevent a chase
  6. Keep calm and focused, as panicking can lead to more mistakes

Tips and Tricks

  • Practice runs: Familiarize yourself with the maze layout through practice runs
  • Stay oriented: Use the maze's edges or certain unique features as guides
  • Consistent strategy: Stick to a maze-solving technique like always turning in one direction
  • Patience is key: It may take several attempts to find the most efficient route

Race Track Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (6)

  • Race Location: Race Track
  • Goal: Reach the designated finish line on the race track within the given time limit


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should race without any disguises
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch's energy level is high by eating beforehand


  1. Start the race from the point indicated by the rabbit
  2. Plan a route that avoids obstacles such as cones and other barriers
  3. Be wary of racing cars which can pose a significant risk of collision
  4. Use the inner track for a shorter path, but be cautious of vehicles
  5. Stay alert and agile to quickly maneuver around unexpected obstacles
  6. Consider the race track's layout and try to anticipate turns and straight stretches

Tips and Tricks

  • Reconnaissance: Familiarize yourself with the race track layout to plan your route effectively
  • Reflexes: Hone quick reflexes to navigate dynamically around moving cars and static obstacles
  • Repeated Attempts: Don't hesitate to retry the race multiple times to improve your path and timing
  • Mental Mapping: Keep a mental map of the track in mind to stay oriented during the race

Ski Resort Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (7)

  • Race Location: Ski Resort
  • Goal: Reach the designated point within the ski resort in the allocated time


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not wear any disguises for the race
  • Energy Level: Make sure Sasquatch is well-fed to maintain energy during the race


  1. Start at the location given by the rabbit at the race's beginning
  2. Choose a direct route to the finish line, avoiding unnecessary detours
  3. Be mindful of skiers and resort guests to avoid collisions and alerts
  4. Use the downhill slopes to gain speed but control the pace to avoid crashing
  5. Stay alert for obstacles like ski equipment, benches, or barriers
  6. Navigate carefully through narrow paths and crowded areas

Tips and Tricks

  • Scout the area: Familiarize yourself with the ski resort layout before starting the race
  • Stay focused: Keep an eye on the path ahead and plan your moves quickly
  • Practice: If you don't succeed initially, try again, learning from each attempt

Highway Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (8)

  • Race Location: Highway
  • Goal: Reach a specific point along the highway within the given time limit


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not wear disguises during the race
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed for sustained energy


  1. Begin at the starting point set by the rabbit
  2. Plan the most direct and safe route, avoiding unnecessary detours
  3. Be aware of vehicles; avoid crossing the road recklessly
  4. Use the roadside and grassy areas for safer and clearer paths
  5. Stay alert for any sudden movements from vehicles

Tips and Tricks

  • Familiarize with the highway: Know the layout to navigate efficiently
  • Quick reflexes: Be prepared to make swift decisions to avoid vehicles
  • Repeated attempts: If you fail initially, try again with a better understanding of the route
  • Mental readiness: Stay focused and calm, as the traffic can be unpredictable

Lake Area Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (9)

  • Race Location: Lake Area
  • Goal: Reach a specific point near the lake within the allocated time


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should race without any disguises
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed for maximum energy


  1. Start from the point indicated by the rabbit
  2. Choose the most direct route to the finish line, avoiding lengthy detours
  3. Be cautious around water bodies to avoid slowing down
  4. Utilize clear paths and avoid dense wooded areas for faster movement
  5. Remain vigilant for campers and rangers to prevent being caught
  6. Use landmarks around the lake to stay oriented and on track

Tips and Tricks

  • Familiarize yourself with the lake area beforehand for better navigation
  • Practice the route to find the most efficient path
  • Keep your focus on the race and avoid distractions from the surroundings
  • Stay patient and persistent; it might take a few attempts to master the race

Town Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (10)

  • Race Location: Town
  • Goal: Reach the designated point within the town in the shortest possible time


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not be in disguise during the race
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch's energy is full by eating before the race


  1. Start from the location given by the rabbit
  2. Plan a route that avoids congested areas and minimizes encounters with town residents
  3. Be cautious of vehicles and pedestrians to avoid collisions and alerts
  4. Look for shortcuts through alleys or less crowded streets
  5. Stay aware of your surroundings and adjust your route as needed to reach the finish line efficiently

Tips and Tricks

  • Reconnaissance: Walk through the town beforehand to familiarize yourself with its layout and potential shortcuts
  • Quick Decision-Making: Be ready to alter your course quickly in response to obstacles or unexpected situations
  • Practice Runs: Don't be discouraged by initial failures; use them as learning experiences to improve your strategy
  • Calm Focus: Keep a level head and stay focused on your path, especially in tight situations with town traffic and residents

Second Race Track Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (11)

  • Race Location: Race Track
  • Goal: Complete the race by reaching the designated finish line on the racetrack within the time limit


  • Outfit: Ensure Sasquatch is not in disguise for the race
  • Energy Level: Sasquatch should be well-fed to maintain high energy levels


  1. Start from the point designated by the rabbit
  2. Analyze the track layout before starting, noting any key turns or straight paths
  3. Avoid obstacles like cones and barriers that can slow you down
  4. Stay alert for racing cars and move swiftly to avoid collisions
  5. Use the inner parts of the track for a shorter path, but be cautious of vehicles

Tips and Tricks

  • Get to know the track: Familiarize yourself with the new route of the race track before racing
  • Improve reflexes: Practice quick maneuvers to effectively dodge cars and obstacles
  • Multiple attempts: If the first try isn't successful, use the experience to refine your strategy
  • Mental mapping: Keep a mental note of the track layout to help navigate more effectively

Sawmill Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (12)

  • Race Location: Sawmill
  • Goal: Reach the specified point within the sawmill area in the allocated time


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not wear disguises for this race
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed for optimal performance


  1. Start from the location indicated by the rabbit
  2. Plan the most direct route to the finish line, avoiding any unnecessary detours
  3. Be cautious of sawmill workers and machinery that can cause delays
  4. Utilize shortcuts wherever possible, such as through less crowded areas
  5. Stay aware of your surroundings to avoid getting caught or hitting obstacles

Tips and Tricks

  • Scout the area: Get familiar with the sawmill layout to identify the best routes
  • Quick reflexes: Be prepared to dodge workers and machinery swiftly
  • Learn from each attempt: Use each race as a learning opportunity to refine your strategy
  • Stay focused: Keep your concentration high throughout the race to navigate effectively

Mountain Top Race Strategy Guide

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (13)

  • Race Location: Mountain Top
  • Goal: Reach the specified point at the mountain's summit within the time limit


  • Outfit: Sasquatch should not wear any disguises for the race
  • Energy Level: Ensure Sasquatch is well-fed for sustained energy


  1. Start from the point set by the rabbit
  2. Choose a path that offers the most direct route upwards, avoiding long detours
  3. Utilize ski lifts where available, but be aware of their slower pace compared to running
  4. Avoid obstacles such as rocks, trees, and steep inclines that can slow you down
  5. Maintain a steady and consistent pace throughout the climb
  6. Be prepared for steeper sections as you approach the summit

Tips and Tricks

  • Familiarize yourself with the mountain terrain before the race
  • Practice the route to find the most efficient path to the top
  • Stay focused on the path ahead, especially in challenging sections
  • Remember, persistence is key; it may take several attempts to master this race


You did it! You finished all 12 races. You should be proud as this is actually one of the harder challenges this game has to offer.

If you want to read more about Sneaky Sasquatch, check out this Sneaky Sasquatch moneymaking guide.

Completing All 12 Rabbit Races in Sneaky Sasquatch Guide (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.