Elden Ring Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragments are key items that uncover parts of the map in the area where they are found, with sketches of the topography, structures, roads, mines, ruins, and other notable points of interest.
Finding these Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragments is incredibly beneficial because they not only make going through each region easier but also help you locate and access locations where you can find important loot, like new weapons or spells.
As a result, we’ve put up this detailed guide that covers all you need to know about how to find Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragments in the game developed by FromSoftware.
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Where To Find the Western Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment
West Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragment is easy to grab because it’s just close to the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace when you take the Grand Lift of Rold from the Forbidden Lands to the location marked in the image below.

Simply follow the path to the Grand Lift of Rold, take the elevator, and you should already see the stone pillar on your uncovered map. Place a beacon over it to find it much easier while exploring. This Map Fragment is nearly impossible to miss, so finding it should be a breeze.

You will find the West Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragment at the base of the stone monument.
Where To Find the Eastern Mountaintops of the Giants Map Fragment
The East Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragment isn’t difficult to reach, but the path leading to it is dangerous.

Starting from the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace, head southwest through the ruins, then turn north toward a rocky opening that leads to Fire Monk enemies. Ride straight through these Fire Monks, across the chasm on a narrow bridge made of rocky platforms.
Near the end of the bridge, a giant Golem Archer will shoot arrows at you, so take shelter in between shots to get across. Once on the other side, take the slope to the right to reach the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace and activate it.
Ride northeast, past the giants, until you reach a slope on the left where you can ride to a frozen lake (you can also activate the Freezing Lake Site of Grace).

Due to heavy winds and snow, you will lose vision beyond this point, so keep going southeast, past the Borealis, The Freezing Fog, until you reach the First Church of Marika (activate the Site of Grace to have a checkpoint). Riding west from the First Church of Marika, you’ll come to a plateau with a Spiritspring Jump point.
Use it to reach the Lord Contender’s Evergoal and head west to reach the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace. From Whiteridge Road Site of Grace, ride past all the enemies in the Guardians’ Garrison until you reach a giant chain covered in snow that you can cross. Cross this chain to the Giants’ Gravepost Site of Grace, and right next to it is the monument holding The East Mountaintops Of The Giants Map Fragment.

Where To Find the Consecrated Snowfield Map Fragment
The Consecrated Snowfield region is a secret area in the lower plains of the Mountaintops Of The Giants that can only be reached by collecting both parts of the Haligtree Secret Medallion.
The Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right) can be obtained from Albus, disguised as a pot in the Village of the Albinaurics (covered in-depth here). This key item is also used to progress the Latenna the Albinauric questline.
The Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) can be found in Castle Sol, on the tower’s roof in the northeast, accessible after defeating Commander Niall (location’s boss). Once you have both secret medallion parts, head to the Grand Lift of Rold and switch to “Hoist Secret Medallion” to use the Haligtree Secret Medallion.

From the Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace, immediately outside of the Grand Lift of Rold, ride north and avoid all the enemies in your way. You’ll soon reach a cliff where you can descend by jumping down using your horse or riding the slopes on the sides.

You should already see the stone pillar uncovered on the map if you open the map. Continue riding north and a bit west past a frozen creek until you see the monument holding the Consecrated Snowfield Map Fragment.