Glossary of Astrological Terms (2024)

Glossary of Astrological Terms (1)

Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or a curious newcomer, this glossary is designed to provide concise and clear definitions of key astrological terms.

From planets and signs to aspects and houses, unlock the mysteries of the cosmos and deepen your understanding of this ancient and insightful art.

Navigate the celestial language with confidence as you explore the rich tapestry of astrological concepts that shape the interpretation of birth charts, transits, and the intricate dance of the planets.

Embark on a journey through the stars, unraveling the meanings behind the symbols that influence our individual and collective destinies.



In astrology, Air is one of the four classical elements, alongside Fire, Earth, and Water. Signs associated with the Air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) exhibit qualities such as intellectualism, communication, and a focus on ideas and concepts. The Air element is linked to mental faculties, social interaction, and the ability to analyze and communicate abstract thoughts. Individuals with prominent Air placements in their birth chart may emphasize intellect, social connections, and mental pursuits in their approach to life.


Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Water Bearer. It is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Uranus (traditional ruler Saturn). Individuals born under Aquarius (between approximately January 20 and February 18) are often associated with qualities such as innovation, independence, and a strong sense of individuality. Aquarians are thought to be forward-thinking, humanitarian, and inclined towards group activities. The sign is associated with the eleventh house, which represents social connections, friendships, and aspirations.


In astrology, the Archer refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius is represented by the Archer, emphasizing qualities of exploration, enthusiasm, and a quest for knowledge and adventure. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius (between approximately November 22 and December 21) are associated with characteristics such as optimism, a love for freedom, and a broad, philosophical mindset. The Archer symbol reflects Sagittarius’ inclination towards aiming high, seeking wisdom, and embracing a sense of openness to life’s possibilities.


Aries is the first sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Ram. Individuals born under Aries (between approximately March 21 and April 19) are associated with qualities such as assertiveness, initiative, and a pioneering spirit. Aries is a Fire sign and is ruled by the planet Mars. Arians are often characterized by their enthusiasm, leadership abilities, and a desire for independence. The sign is associated with the first house, which represents the self, identity, and personal expression.


The Ascendant in astrology, also known as the rising sign, is the zodiacal sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of an individual’s birth. It plays a crucial role in shaping a person’s outward personality, appearance, and first impressions. The Ascendant is a key component in an astrological birth chart and represents the cusp of the first house.


Aspects in astrology refer to the angles between celestial bodies, indicating their relationships and influencing the interpretation of a person’s birth chart. These connections between planets or points provide insights into various aspects of an individual’s personality, relationships, and life events.


In astrology, asteroids refer to small celestial bodies in the solar system, located mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some astrologers incorporate certain asteroids into astrological interpretations, considering them as additional points of influence in a person’s birth chart. These asteroids are named and associated with specific themes, adding nuance to astrological analysis beyond the traditional planets.


Black Moon Lilith

In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is a calculated point representing a specific lunar position. It is associated with themes of rebellion, independence, and the darker, more instinctual aspects of femininity. Black Moon Lilith is not a physical celestial body but is determined by the Moon’s mean apogee, the farthest point in its orbit from Earth. It is often used in chart interpretation to explore issues related to suppressed desires, empowerment, and the untamed aspects of one’s nature.


In astrology, the Bull refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Taurus. Taurus is represented by the Bull, emphasizing qualities of strength, persistence, and a grounded nature. Those born under the sign of Taurus (between approximately April 20 and May 20) are associated with characteristics such as reliability, practicality, and a strong connection to the material world. The Bull symbol reflects Taurus’ inclination towards steady progress, determination, and a focus on building and maintaining stable foundations in various aspects of life.



In astrology, a calendar is a system of organizing and measuring time, often used to track celestial events and planetary movements. Astrologers may reference different calendars to analyze and interpret the positions of celestial bodies in relation to a person’s birth or specific events. The calendar serves as a framework for understanding astrological influences over time.


Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Crab. Individuals born under Cancer (between approximately June 21 and July 22) are associated with qualities such as emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and a strong connection to home and family. Cancer is a Water sign and is ruled by the Moon. Cancerians are often characterized by their caring and protective nature, as well as their intuitive understanding of emotions. The sign is associated with the fourth house, which represents home, family, and emotional foundations.


Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Goat. Individuals born under Capricorn (between approximately December 22 and January 19) are associated with qualities such as ambition, discipline, and a practical approach to life. Capricorn is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Saturn. Capricorns are often characterized by their strong work ethic, organizational skills, and a desire for achievement and success. The sign is associated with the tenth house, which represents career, public image, and long-term goals.


Cardinal in astrology refers to one of the three modalities or qualities, alongside Fixed and Mutable. The Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) initiate and mark the beginning of each season. Individuals with cardinal placements in their birth chart are often associated with qualities of leadership, initiation, and a drive to start new endeavors. Cardinal signs are linked to the idea of taking charge and instigating change in various aspects of life.


In astrology, Ceres is a dwarf planet and asteroid belt object that is occasionally considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Roman goddess of agriculture, Ceres is associated with nurturing, caregiving, and maternal instincts. Its placement in a birth chart may provide insights into one’s approach to nurturing and sustaining others, as well as themes related to family dynamics and environmental concerns. Ceres is often linked to cycles of growth, harvest, and the provision of nourishment.


In astrology, a chart is a graphical representation of the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time and place, often created for an individual’s birth. It includes the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points, providing a snapshot of the cosmic influences at that moment. The chart serves as a foundation for astrological analysis and predictions.


In astrology, Chiron is a comet or asteroid often referred to as the “Wounded Healer.” Its placement in a birth chart is associated with themes of healing, personal growth, and the integration of wounds or vulnerabilities. Chiron is thought to represent an area of life where individuals may experience deep wounds but also find the potential for healing and wisdom. It symbolizes the journey of overcoming pain and transforming it into a source of strength and understanding.

Composite Chart

A composite chart in astrology is a combined chart created by taking the midpoints between the planets and points in the individual birth charts of two people. It represents the dynamics and potential of a relationship, providing insights into the shared energies and characteristics of the partnership, rather than focusing on individual charts.


A Conjunction in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned at approximately the same degree within a specific orb. This alignment is considered powerful, as it signifies a blending or merging of the energies associated with the involved planets. Conjunctions can indicate unity, intensity, and the amplification of the combined influences in a person’s birth chart or during specific transits.


Coordinates in astrology typically refer to the specific positions of special points in the astrological chart. These coordinates are measured along the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun in the sky. Astrologers use these coordinates to analyze the relationships between points and interpret their influence on an individual’s personality, relationships, and life events.


In astrology, the Crab refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Cancer. Cancer is represented by a Crab, a creature with a tough outer shell protecting its vulnerable inner self. The Crab symbolizes traits such as emotional sensitivity, protective instincts, and a strong connection to home and family. Those born under the sign of Cancer (between approximately June 21 and July 22) are often associated with qualities like nurturing, intuition, and a deep emotional bond with their loved ones.


In astrology, a cusp refers to the transitional zone between two zodiac signs. If a person is born on or near the date when one zodiac sign changes to another, they are considered to be on the cusp of those signs. Individuals born on a cusp may exhibit traits from both adjacent signs, adding complexity to their astrological profile.



In astrology, the Descendant is the point directly opposite the Ascendant on the natal chart. It represents the cusp of the seventh house and signifies qualities associated with one’s partnerships, relationships, and interactions with others. The Descendant is crucial in understanding the type of individuals one may be attracted to and the dynamics within close relationships.



In astrology, Earth is one of the four classical elements, alongside Fire, Air, and Water. Signs associated with the Earth element (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) exhibit qualities such as practicality, stability, and a focus on the material world. The Earth element is linked to groundedness, productivity, and a connection to tangible realities. Individuals with prominent Earth placements in their birth chart may emphasize practicality, diligence, and a methodical approach to life.

Electional Astrology

Electional Astrology is a branch of astrology focused on selecting auspicious or favorable times to initiate specific actions or events. Practitioners of electional astrology aim to choose astrologically opportune moments for activities like weddings, business ventures, or important decisions. By considering planetary positions and aspects, they seek to optimize the likelihood of success or positive outcomes for the chosen endeavors.


In astrology, elements refer to four essential qualities – fire, earth, air, and water – that categorize the zodiac signs based on shared characteristics. Each element is associated with specific traits and temperaments, influencing the nature of the signs classified under them. Elements play a fundamental role in understanding the overall dynamics and compatibility in astrological charts.


In astrology, Eros is an asteroid that is sometimes considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Greek god of love and desire, Eros is associated with passion, eroticism, and the pursuit of romantic and sexual connections. Its placement in a birth chart may offer insights into an individual’s approach to love, attraction, and the intensity of their romantic desires. Eros is often examined for its influence on one’s romantic and sensual inclinations.

Evolutionary Astrology

Evolutionary Astrology is a modern approach to astrology that focuses on the spiritual evolution and growth of an individual’s soul across lifetimes. Developed by astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green, Evolutionary Astrology emphasizes the concept of reincarnation and views the birth chart as a reflection of the soul’s evolutionary journey. Practitioners of Evolutionary Astrology interpret the chart to uncover the soul’s intentions, challenges, and lessons in the current lifetime, with an emphasis on personal transformation and self-realization.



In astrology, Fire is one of the four classical elements, alongside Earth, Air, and Water. Signs associated with the Fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) exhibit qualities such as enthusiasm, passion, and a dynamic, energetic nature. The Fire element is linked to creativity, inspiration, and a strong drive for self-expression. Individuals with prominent Fire placements in their birth chart may emphasize vitality, ambition, and a spirited approach to life.


In astrology, the Fish refer to the symbol of the zodiac sign Pisces. Pisces is represented by two Fish swimming in opposite directions, emphasizing the dual nature of this Water sign. Individuals born under Pisces (between approximately February 19 and March 20) are associated with qualities such as empathy, intuition, and a fluid, adaptable nature. The Fish symbol reflects Pisces’ inclination towards navigating emotional depths, embracing creativity, and having a compassionate and empathetic approach to life.


Fixed in astrology refers to one of the three modalities or qualities, alongside Cardinal and Mutable. The Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) fall in the middle of each season, signifying stability and determination. Individuals with fixed placements in their birth chart are often associated with qualities of persistence, reliability, and resistance to change. Fixed signs are linked to the idea of maintaining and stabilizing existing structures or situations.



Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Twins. Individuals born under Gemini (between approximately May 21 and June 20) are associated with qualities such as curiosity, adaptability, and a communicative nature. Gemini is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. Geminis are often characterized by their intellectual pursuits, social versatility, and a love for communication and variety. The sign is associated with the third house, which represents communication, learning, and short-distance travel.

Grand Trine

A Grand Trine in astrology occurs when three planets form an equilateral triangle in the birth chart, creating harmonious and supportive aspects between them. This configuration is considered favorable, indicating a flow of energy and ease in the areas of life associated with the involved planets. Grand Trines are often linked to innate talents, creativity, and a sense of natural harmony in the individual’s personality or circ*mstances.


Glyphs in astrology are symbolic representations or characters used to depict the zodiac signs, planets, and other astrological elements in charts and diagrams. Each zodiac sign and celestial body has a distinct glyph, contributing to a concise and visual language in astrological charts. Glyphs are shorthand symbols that astrologers use to represent specific elements within a chart, aiding in the interpretation and analysis of astrological information.



A horoscope in astrology is a personalized chart or diagram representing the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time, usually the moment of a person’s birth. It serves as a tool for astrologers to provide insights into an individual’s personality, relationships, and future events based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points.

Horary Astrology

Horary Astrology is a branch of astrology that involves casting a chart for the moment a specific question is posed to an astrologer. This chart is then interpreted to provide insights into the answer to the question. Horary astrology relies on the positions of celestial bodies at the time of inquiry to offer guidance and predictions related to the specific query asked by the individual seeking astrological advice.


In astrology, houses are twelve divisions of an astrological chart, each representing specific life areas and experiences. The positions of planets within these houses provide insights into different aspects of an individual’s life, such as relationships, career, and home. The houses are essential for understanding the personalized dynamics and influences in a person’s astrological profile.


In astrology, Hygiea is an asteroid that is occasionally considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Greek goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene, Hygiea is associated with themes related to well-being, healing, and maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Its placement in a birth chart may provide insights into an individual’s approach to health, wellness practices, and overall self-care. Astrologers may examine Hygiea for potential influences on one’s physical and mental well-being.




In astrology, Juno is an asteroid that is sometimes considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Roman goddess of marriage and commitment, Juno is associated with themes related to partnership, marriage, and long-term relationships. Its placement in a birth chart may offer insights into an individual’s attitudes towards commitment, loyalty, and the dynamics of their significant partnerships. Juno is often examined to understand relationship patterns and the desire for mutual respect and collaboration in romantic unions.


Jupiter in astrology symbolizes expansion, growth, abundance, and wisdom. It represents areas of life where individuals seek to broaden their horizons, whether through learning, experiences, or personal development. The placement of Jupiter in the birth chart offers insights into one’s beliefs, aspirations, and opportunities for positive expansion. It is associated with optimism, generosity, and a sense of purpose.




Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Lion. Individuals born under Leo (between approximately July 23 and August 22) are associated with qualities such as confidence, creativity, and a natural flair for leadership. Leo is a Fire sign and is ruled by the Sun. Leos are often characterized by their expressive and charismatic nature, as well as a desire for recognition and appreciation. The sign is associated with the fifth house, which represents self-expression, creativity, and romance.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Scales. Individuals born under Libra (between approximately September 23 and October 22) are associated with qualities such as diplomacy, harmony, and a strong sense of justice. Libra is an Air sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. Librans are often characterized by their social skills, aesthetic appreciation, and a desire for balance and fairness in relationships. The sign is associated with the seventh house, which represents partnerships, cooperation, and one-on-one connections.


In astrology, the Lion refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is represented by the majestic Lion, emphasizing qualities of strength, leadership, and regality. Those born under the sign of Leo (between approximately July 23 and August 22) are associated with characteristics such as confidence, charisma, and a desire for recognition. The symbol reflects the Leo individual’s natural ability to command attention and express themselves with boldness and creativity.

Locational Astrology

Locational Astrology, also known as Astrocartography, is a branch of astrology that examines the influence of different geographic locations on an individual’s life. By mapping the positions of planets onto specific regions of the world, locational astrology seeks to identify places where a person may experience specific energies or life themes more prominently. This practice is often used for relocation advice or understanding how different locations may impact various aspects of a person’s life.


Luminaries in astrology refer to the Sun and the Moon. These celestial bodies are considered the “lights” in the sky and hold significant importance in a person’s astrological chart. The Sun represents one’s core identity, vitality, and ego, while the Moon symbolizes emotions, instincts, and the subconscious. The luminaries play a crucial role in shaping an individual’s personality and influencing various aspects of life.



In astrology, the Maiden refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Virgo. Virgo is represented by the Maiden, emphasizing qualities of practicality, attention to detail, and a service-oriented nature. Those born under the sign of Virgo (between approximately August 23 and September 22) are associated with characteristics such as analytical thinking, precision, and a willingness to contribute to the well-being of others. The Maiden symbol reflects Virgo’s inclination towards diligence, a focus on practical matters, and a dedication to service.


Mars in astrology symbolizes energy, action, assertiveness, and the drive to pursue goals. It represents how individuals express their desires, take initiative, and handle challenges. The placement of Mars in the birth chart offers insights into a person’s approach to ambition, conflict, and the assertion of personal will. Mars is associated with physical energy, passion, and the pursuit of individual objectives.

Medical Astrology

Medical Astrology is a specialized branch of astrology that explores the connections between astrological influences and an individual’s health. Practitioners of medical astrology analyze a person’s natal chart to identify potential health vulnerabilities, strengths, and tendencies. This field considers the positions of planets, signs, and houses to offer insights into possible health issues and recommend preventive measures or lifestyle adjustments to support well-being.


Mercury in astrology represents communication, intellect, and mental processes. It influences how individuals think, analyze, and express themselves verbally. The placement of Mercury in a person’s birth chart provides insights into their communication style, learning preferences, and intellectual pursuits. It also plays a role in how one processes information and conveys ideas to others.


The Midheaven, also known as the Medium Coeli (MC), is a point in the astrology chart that represents the cusp of the tenth house. It signifies the highest point in the sky at the time of an individual’s birth and is associated with career, public image, and aspirations. The Midheaven is crucial in understanding an individual’s vocational path, social standing, and the way they present themselves to the world. It plays a significant role in career-related interpretations within the birth chart.


The Moon in astrology symbolizes emotions, instincts, and the subconscious mind. It reflects one’s nurturing tendencies, habits, and responses to the world. The Moon’s position in the birth chart indicates emotional needs, reactions to life events, and influences on relationships with others. It plays a significant role in shaping an individual’s inner world and emotional well-being.


Mutable in astrology refers to one of the three modalities or qualities, alongside Cardinal and Fixed. The Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) occur at the end of each season and represent adaptability, flexibility, and a readiness for change. Individuals with mutable placements in their birth chart are often associated with qualities of versatility, openness, and a capacity to navigate transitions. Mutable signs are linked to the idea of adjusting to evolving circ*mstances and facilitating transformation.


Natal Astrology

Natal Astrology is the foundational branch of astrology that focuses on interpreting and analyzing an individual’s birth chart or natal chart. It involves examining the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth, including the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points. Natal astrology provides insights into an individual’s personality traits, potential life path, strengths, challenges, and various aspects of their life based on the cosmic influences present at the moment of their birth.

Natal Chart

A natal chart in astrology is a personalized map of the celestial positions at the exact time and location of an individual’s birth. Also known as a birth chart or horoscope, it outlines the placements of the Sun, Moon, planets, and other astrological points. The natal chart serves as a foundational tool for astrologers to analyze and interpret an individual’s personality, tendencies, and potential life path based on the cosmic influences present at the moment of their birth.


Neptune in astrology symbolizes dreams, illusions, intuition, and spirituality. It represents the imagination, creativity, and a connection to the mystical or transcendent realms. The placement of Neptune in the birth chart offers insights into one’s fantasies, artistic inclinations, and the desire for spiritual or idealistic experiences. Neptune is associated with inspiration, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness with the universe.

North Node

The North Node in astrology represents a point in an individual’s birth chart that signifies the path of spiritual growth and development. Also known as the “Dragon’s Head,” it points towards the qualities and experiences that one is meant to embrace and incorporate into their life journey. The North Node is associated with challenges and lessons that, when pursued, can lead to personal fulfillment and evolution. It is often seen as an indicator of the soul’s purpose and the direction one is encouraged to move toward in this lifetime.



An Opposition in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned approximately 180 degrees apart. This aspect creates a polarized and challenging relationship, signifying tension, awareness, and the need for balance and integration between the planets involved. Oppositions often highlight areas of internal or external conflict, urging individuals to find a middle ground or reconcile opposing forces in their birth chart or during specific transits for personal growth.


In astrology, an orb refers to the allowable range of degrees within which an astrological aspect, such as a conjunction, sextile, or trine, is considered effective and valid. It indicates the degree of flexibility in measuring the exactness of the aspect, allowing for a more realistic interpretation of planetary alignments in a birth chart.



In astrology, Pallas is an asteroid occasionally considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and strategy, Pallas is associated with intellectual pursuits, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Its placement in a birth chart may provide insights into an individual’s approach to decision-making, problem-solving abilities, and their inclination towards strategy and planning. Pallas is often examined for its influence on one’s intellectual and analytical capacities.

Part of Fortune

The Part of Fortune in astrology is a calculated point in the birth chart that represents an individual’s overall well-being and success. It is determined by the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (rising sign) and is considered an indicator of potential happiness, abundance, and fulfillment. The Part of Fortune is often associated with factors that contribute positively to one’s life and is used in astrological interpretations to provide insights into areas where personal success and prosperity may be found.


Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Fish. Individuals born under Pisces (between approximately February 19 and March 20) are associated with qualities such as compassion, intuition, and a dreamy or imaginative nature. Pisces is a Water sign and is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. Pisceans are often characterized by their empathy, creativity, and a deep connection to the emotional and spiritual realms. The sign is associated with the twelfth house, which represents spirituality, compassion, and the subconscious mind.


Planets in astrology are celestial bodies that, when placed in specific positions within an individual’s birth chart, are believed to influence various aspects of their personality, behavior, and life events. The traditional planets include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, while modern astrology also incorporates Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each planet is associated with specific qualities and themes, contributing to the complex and unique astrological profile of an individual.


Pluto in astrology symbolizes transformation, power, regeneration, and deep-seated change. It represents the areas of life where individuals may undergo profound shifts, sometimes involving destruction and rebirth. The placement of Pluto in the birth chart offers insights into one’s capacity for personal growth, intensity, and the pursuit of inner truth. Pluto is associated with themes of evolution, regeneration, and the uncovering of hidden aspects of the self.

Psychological Astrology

Psychological Astrology is an approach to astrology that emphasizes the study of the human psyche and the inner dimensions of an individual’s personality. This branch of astrology delves into the psychological and emotional aspects represented in the birth chart. Practitioners of psychological astrology explore how planetary positions and aspects may reflect and influence an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, aiming to provide deeper self-understanding and insights into personal development.



In astrology, quadrants are divisions of a natal chart that group together sets of three houses. There are three quadrants: the first, fourth, and seventh houses make up the Angular or Cardinal Houses; the second, fifth, and eighth houses form the Succedent or Fixed Houses; and the third, sixth, and ninth houses constitute the Cadent or Mutable Houses. Quadrants provide additional insights into the distribution of planetary energies and focus within an individual’s birth chart.


In astrology, qualities, also known as modalities, categorize the zodiac signs into three groups: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. These qualities describe the fundamental ways in which signs initiate, stabilize, or adapt to change. Cardinal signs are associated with initiation and leadership, fixed signs with stability and determination, and mutable signs with adaptability and flexibility. The qualities contribute to understanding the dynamic and functional aspects of astrological charts.


A Quincunx in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned approximately 150 degrees apart. Also known as an inconjunct, this aspect suggests an awkward and uneasy relationship, signifying a need for adjustment and adaptation between the planets involved. Quincunxes often imply a sense of discomfort or imbalance, prompting individuals to find creative solutions and make adjustments in their approach to the energies represented by the planets in their birth chart or during specific transits.



The Ram refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Aries. Aries is represented by a Ram, an assertive and energetic creature known for its bold and direct approach. The Ram symbolizes the pioneering spirit, leadership qualities, and the desire to take initiative. Arians, born under the sign of the Ram (between approximately March 21 and April 19), are often associated with traits such as courage, independence, and a strong sense of individuality.

Relationship Astrology

Relationship Astrology, also known as Synastry, is a branch of astrology that focuses on analyzing the dynamics between individuals in various types of relationships. It involves comparing and interpreting the birth charts of two or more people to understand the strengths, challenges, and compatibility factors within the relationship. Relationship astrology explores how the positions of planets in each person’s chart interact and influence the overall dynamics, communication styles, and potential outcomes in partnerships, whether they be romantic, familial, or professional.


In astrology, retrograde refers to the apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth. When a planet is in retrograde, it appears to move in the opposite direction to its regular orbit. Astrologically, the retrograde period is thought to influence the characteristics associated with that planet, often leading to a reassessment, reflection, or reevaluation of related themes in an individual’s life.


In astrology, a ruler refers to a planet associated with a particular zodiac sign or house. Each sign and house has a ruling planet, which is considered its primary influencer. The ruling planet adds specific qualities and characteristics to the sign or house, shaping the overall astrological interpretation.



Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Archer. Individuals born under Sagittarius (between approximately November 22 and December 21) are associated with qualities such as optimism, enthusiasm, and a love for exploration and adventure. Sagittarius is a Fire sign and is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarians are often characterized by their expansive mindset, love for knowledge, and a desire for freedom. The sign is associated with the ninth house, which represents higher education, philosophy, and long-distance travel.


Saturn in astrology symbolizes discipline, responsibility, structure, and challenges. It represents areas of life where individuals encounter limitations, face karmic lessons, and build a foundation for long-term success. The placement of Saturn in the birth chart provides insights into one’s approach to work, commitment, and the development of inner strength. It is associated with discipline, perseverance, and the pursuit of lasting achievements.


In astrology, the Scales refer to the symbol of the zodiac sign Libra. Libra is represented by the Scales, emphasizing qualities of balance, harmony, and a sense of justice. Those born under the sign of Libra (between approximately September 23 and October 22) are associated with characteristics such as fairness, social grace, and a desire for equilibrium in relationships and situations. The symbol reflects Libra’s inclination towards seeking harmony, weighing decisions carefully, and promoting a sense of balance in their interactions.


Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Scorpion. Individuals born under Scorpio (between approximately October 23 and November 21) are associated with qualities such as intensity, depth, and a transformative nature. Scorpio is a Water sign and is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. Scorpios are often characterized by their emotional resilience, investigative mindset, and a penchant for seeking truth and hidden meanings. The sign is associated with the eighth house, which represents transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds.


In astrology, the Scorpion refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Scorpio. Scorpio is represented by the Scorpion, emphasizing qualities of intensity, depth, and a transformative nature. Those born under the sign of Scorpio (between approximately October 23 and November 21) are associated with characteristics such as emotional resilience, investigative curiosity, and a desire for profound and meaningful connections. The Scorpion symbol reflects Scorpio’s inclination towards navigating the depths of emotions, seeking transformation, and embracing the mysteries of life.


In astrology, the Sea-Goat refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Capricorn. Capricorn is represented by a creature with the upper body of a goat and the lower body of a fish. This hybrid symbolizes the ability to navigate both earthly and emotional depths. Capricorns, born between approximately December 22 and January 19, are associated with qualities such as ambition, practicality, and a disciplined approach to life. The Sea-Goat symbolizes their capacity to climb the heights of achievement while remaining grounded and adaptable to emotional currents.


A Sextile in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned approximately 60 degrees apart. This harmonious angle is considered positive and can indicate opportunities, cooperation, and supportive energies between the planets involved. Sextiles are often associated with ease and flow, facilitating positive interactions and creative possibilities in a person’s birth chart or during specific transits.


Signs in astrology represent 12 distinct segments of the celestial sphere, each associated with specific traits and characteristics. They are determined by the position of the Sun at the time of a person’s birth and influence personality traits, behavior, and preferences in an individual’s astrological profile.

Solar Return Chart

A Solar Return Chart in astrology is a chart cast for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position, usually around a person’s birthday. This chart provides insights into the themes and influences that may characterize the upcoming year of the individual’s life. Astrologers analyze the Solar Return Chart to offer predictions and guidance for the person’s experiences and developments during the coming year.

South Node

The South Node in astrology represents a point in an individual’s birth chart that signifies the traits and tendencies carried over from past lifetimes. Also known as the “Dragon’s Tail,” it indicates the qualities that come naturally to an individual but may also represent patterns to be released or transcended in the current life. The South Node is associated with familiar patterns and experiences, and while it may bring comfort, it suggests areas for personal growth and development lie in the opposite direction, towards the North Node.


A Square in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned approximately 90 degrees apart. This angle creates a challenging and dynamic relationship, signifying tension, conflict, and the need for growth and resolution between the planets involved. Squares often indicate areas of internal and external friction, urging individuals to address and overcome obstacles in their birth chart or during specific transits for personal development.


In astrology, a stellium refers to a grouping of three or more planets within a relatively close degree range in a specific zodiac sign. This concentration of planets in one sign amplifies the influence of that sign in an individual’s natal chart, emphasizing the traits and characteristics associated with it. Stelliums are considered significant as they can have a powerful impact on a person’s personality, shaping key aspects of their life and experiences.


The Sun in astrology represents the core identity, vitality, and ego of an individual. It is a central and vital force in the birth chart, symbolizing the essential characteristics and life purpose of the person. The Sun’s placement in a specific zodiac sign and house provides insights into the individual’s self-expression, creativity, and overall life path.


Synastry in astrology is the comparative analysis of two individuals’ natal charts to assess the potential dynamics and compatibility in a relationship. By examining the interplay between the planets and points in each person’s chart, astrologers can provide insights into the strengths, challenges, and overall dynamics of the relationship.

Synastry Chart

A Synastry Chart in astrology is a comparison of two individuals’ natal charts, highlighting the interactions and dynamics between them. It examines how the positions of planets and points in one person’s chart relate to those in another person’s chart, providing insights into the compatibility, strengths, and challenges within a relationship.



Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Bull. Individuals born under Taurus (between approximately April 20 and May 20) are associated with qualities such as reliability, practicality, and a strong connection to the material world. Taurus is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Venus. Taureans are often characterized by their steadfast nature, love for comfort, and a desire for stability and security. The sign is associated with the second house, which represents possessions, values, and personal resources.

Transit Chart

A Transit Chart in astrology is a tool that depicts the current positions of celestial bodies in comparison to an individual’s natal chart. It highlights the ongoing planetary influences and their potential impact on various aspects of the person’s life. Astrologers use transit charts to provide insights into the timing of events, personal growth opportunities, and challenges that may arise during specific periods.


A Trine in astrology is an aspect formed when two celestial bodies (planets or points) are positioned approximately 120 degrees apart. This harmonious angle signifies a positive and flowing connection between the planets involved. Trines are associated with ease, support, and opportunities for natural expression of talents and abilities. They suggest a harmonious flow of energy, fostering cooperation and positive developments in a person’s birth chart or during specific transits.


In astrology, the Twins refer to the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini. Gemini is represented by a pair of Twins, emphasizing duality and the multifaceted nature of individuals born under this sign. Geminis, born between approximately May 21 and June 20, are associated with qualities such as versatility, adaptability, and a dynamic approach to life. The Twins symbolize the twin aspects of their personality, often expressed through curiosity, intellect, and the ability to see multiple perspectives.



Uranus in astrology represents innovation, change, individuality, and unconventional thinking. It symbolizes sudden insights, breakthroughs, and a desire for freedom from societal norms. The placement of Uranus in the birth chart offers insights into one’s approach to independence, originality, and the pursuit of unique self-expression. It is associated with progressive ideas, unconventional behavior, and a desire for personal liberation.


Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish, is an ancient system of astrology originating from India. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to interpreting celestial influences on human affairs and natural events. Vedic Astrology uses a sidereal zodiac and incorporates concepts such as dashas (planetary periods) and yogas (combinations of planetary influences) to provide insights into an individual’s life, character, and destiny. The system is deeply rooted in Vedic philosophy and is often used for guidance in various aspects of life, including career, relationships, and spiritual development.


Venus in astrology represents love, beauty, harmony, and values. It influences one’s approach to relationships, aesthetics, and the things they find pleasurable. The placement of Venus in the birth chart provides insights into an individual’s romantic inclinations, social interactions, and aesthetic preferences. It plays a key role in shaping personal values and the pursuit of enjoyable experiences.


In astrology, the Vertex is a sensitive point on the chart that is often associated with fated or significant encounters and relationships. It is not a celestial body like a planet but is calculated based on the intersection of the Prime Vertical and the Ecliptic. The Vertex is considered a point of destiny or a spot where powerful connections, events, or people may enter one’s life. Its placement in a birth chart is often explored for insights into significant relationships and life-changing encounters.


In astrology, Vesta is an asteroid that is occasionally considered in chart interpretation. Named after the Roman goddess of the hearth, home, and sacred devotion, Vesta is associated with themes related to focus, dedication, and the sacred aspects of daily life. Its placement in a birth chart may offer insights into an individual’s commitment to specific causes, work, or spiritual practices. Vesta is often examined to understand one’s capacity for focused attention, disciplined efforts, and the importance of maintaining a sacred or centered space in their life.


Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac in astrology, symbolized by the Virgin. Individuals born under Virgo (between approximately August 23 and September 22) are associated with qualities such as practicality, attention to detail, and a service-oriented approach. Virgo is an Earth sign and is ruled by the planet Mercury. Virgos are often characterized by their analytical mindset, organizational skills, and a desire for perfection in their endeavors. The sign is associated with the sixth house, which represents health, daily routines, and a sense of duty.



In astrology, Water is one of the four classical elements, alongside Fire, Earth, and Air. Signs associated with the Water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) exhibit qualities such as emotional depth, intuition, and sensitivity. The Water element is linked to feelings, empathy, and a connection to the subconscious. Individuals with prominent Water placements in their birth chart may emphasize emotional intelligence, empathy, and a receptive approach to experiences.

Water Bearer

The Water Bearer refers to the symbol of the zodiac sign Aquarius. The Water Bearer is represented by an individual carrying a vessel or urn from which water flows. Despite the association with water, Aquarius is an Air sign, and the symbolism of the Water Bearer reflects the pouring forth of knowledge, ideas, and innovation. The image highlights the sign’s emphasis on intellectual pursuits, humanitarian values, and a desire to contribute to the collective well-being.





The Zodiac in astrology is a circle of twelve divisions, each associated with a specific constellation and time of the year. It serves as the backdrop for the Sun’s apparent path across the sky. The Zodiac is divided into twelve signs, each representing distinct personality traits and characteristics. In astrology, the positions of planets and other celestial bodies are measured within this framework to create birth charts and provide insights into an individual’s personality and life events.

Glossary of Astrological Terms (2024)


What are the terms of astrology? ›

"Terms" (ὅρια, literally "boundaries") are subdivisions of the zodiacal signs comprising whole numbers of degrees, such that each of the five planets (and, in some systems, the Sun or both the Sun and Moon) is assigned the astrological lordship of one Term in each sign.

What are some words related to astrology? ›

Synonyms of astrology
  • divination.
  • geomancy.
  • crystal gazing.
  • oneiromancy.
  • pyromancy.
  • hydromancy.
  • rhabdomancy.
  • augury.
Aug 23, 2024

What is the soulmate in the birth chart? ›

One of the most powerful indicators of a soulmate connection is the aspect between the Sun in one chart and the Moon in the other. A harmonious aspect, such as a conjunction, trine, or sextile, suggests a deep emotional and intuitive understanding between partners.

What are the definitions of astrological aspects? ›

In astrology, an aspect is an angle that planets make to each other in the horoscope; as well as to the Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, Lower Midheaven, and other points of astrological interest.

What is the scientific term for astrology? ›

By the 17th century, astronomy became established as the scientific term, with astrology referring to divinations and schemes for predicting human affairs.

What are the root words astrology? ›

Astrology comes from the Greek astron "star" and the suffix -ology "study of." The actual science of the celestial bodies is astronomy, which also includes the Greek word for "star" but with a suffix that means "arranging." Astrology has been around since ancient times, and while it requires some knowledge of astronomy ...

What are switch words in astrology? ›

Switch words are single-word affirmations that can help you understand your energy. Watch this video to know more about what Tarot Card Reader Mehek Bakshi has to say about using switch words.

What are astrology signs called? ›

The zodiac is divided along the ecliptic into 12 equal parts ("signs"), each occupying 30° of celestial longitude. These signs roughly correspond to the astronomical constellations with the following modern names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

What horoscopes are twin flames? ›

In astrology, there is a belief that the following are complementary twin flame zodiac signs: Aries and Libra. Taurus and Scorpio. Gemini and Sagittarius.

Which house is soulmate? ›

In an astrology chart, 7th house is the house of partnership (whether life or business). According to our Karmic balance, we find our soul mate & astrologer helps us in doing so. He analyzes the 7th house and evaluates the Karma for positive and negative experiences connected with partnership.

At what age zodiac signs meet their soulmate? ›

Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces might meet their soulmates in their late teens. Aries, Libra, and Aqua may connect with them in their early 20s. Leo, Sag, and Cap might meet their soulmate in their late 20s or early 30s, while Virgo may meet them when they least expect to.

What is Lilith in astrology? ›

Lilith, or "Black Moon Lilith," is a point in your birth chart that reveals your personality's hidden or taboo parts. It indicates where you've kept your true desires secret to avoid criticism or rejection. This hidden side, often called your shadow, represents everything society considers forbidden or unacceptable.

What does MC mean in astrology? ›

In astrology, the Midheaven (MC) is the point where the cusp of the tenth house is found on a natal (birth) chart. Known as the Medium Coeli, or "middle of the sky" in Latin, the Midheaven sign signifies your public persona.

What does yod mean in astrology? ›

In astrology (in the context of an astrological chart, birth chart or horoscope), a yod is a specific, planetary alignment that is formed by two planets being sextile to one another (60° apart), with a third planet being exactly 150° to the other two points, or quincunx (also called inconjunct).

What are the main 3 in astrology? ›

The big 3 of astrology: sun sign, moon sign and rising sign.

How many categories of astrology are there? › says that there are over 80 branches of astrology, a number that encompasses various "schools" of practice, as well as subsets of techniques within those schools.

What are the 12 astrology in English? ›

These signs roughly correspond to the astronomical constellations with the following modern names: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

What are the branches of astrology? ›

Various astrology types like Western, Vedic, Chinese, Mayan, Sidereal, and Horary provide diverse perspectives on celestial influences. Each offers insights into different aspects of life and personality traits. Western Astrology: This type of astrology is based on the position of the sun at the time of your birth.

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