Jeweler Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 4) - How to craft Gems and add Sockets - Icy Veins (2025)

Jeweler Overview

In Diablo 4, players can greatly improve their equipment and progress through the game by using Jeweler features, such as unsocketing gems, adding sockets, and crafting gems. This guide will explain how to use the Jeweler and all these features. We also have a guide that covers the entire gear system within Diablo 4, which is relevant and which we recommend reading as well:

Gear Systems in Diablo 4

How to Unlock The Jeweler

When you play the game for the first time, you have to reach Level 20 to receive a new objective, which will then direct you to Kratia, the Jeweler in Kyovashad within Fractured Peaks, as a priority quest.

How to Craft Gems

Upon completing the quest, you will have access to the crafting system and can create any gem you desire, provided you have the necessary materials. The system allows for the creation of more potent gems, by using gemstone fragments that have been found or dropped. Gem fragments can be discovered throughout the world, as drops from Whisper Caches, or obtained by defeating enemies. The higher the tier of gem that is crafted, the more fragments it will cost. The same naturally applies to further tiers as well, and so on.

Jeweler Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 4) - How to craft Gems and add Sockets - Icy Veins (2)

Gem Types

Gems in Diablo 4 are divided into several types, each offering unique bonuses and providing varying stats depending on the socket they are placed in.

Gem TypeUnlocks at LevelWeaponArmorJewelry
Chipped Amethyst20+4.0% Damage Over Time+6 Strength9% Shadow Resistance
Amethyst40+8.0% Damage Over Time+12 Strength21% Shadow Resistance
Flawless Amethyst60+12.0% Damage Over Time+18 Strength33% Shadow Resistance
Royal Amethyst90+18.0% Damage Over Time+27 Strength45% Shadow Resistance
Chipped Emerald20+6.0% Critical Strike Damage+6 Dexterity9% Poison Resistance
Emerald40+10.0% Critical Strike Damage+12 Dexterity21% Poison Resistance
Flawless Emerald60+14.0% Critical Strike Damage+18 Dexterity33% Poison Resistance
Royal Emerald90+20.0% Critical Strike Damage+27 Dexterity45% Poison Resistance
Chipped Ruby20+12.0% Overpower Damage+2.0% Maximum Life9% Fire Resistance
Ruby40+24.0% Overpower Damage+4.0% Maximum Life21% Fire Resistance
Flawless Ruby60+36.0% Overpower Damage+6.0% Maximum Life33% Fire Resistance
Royal Ruby90+54.0% Overpower Damage+9.0% Maximum Life45% Fire Resistance
Chipped Topaz20+10.0% Basic Damage+6 Intelligence9% Lightning Resistance
Topaz40+20.0% Basic Damage+12 Intelligence21% Lightning Resistance
Flawless Topaz60+30.0% Basic Damage+18 Intelligence33% Lightning Resistance
Royal Topaz90+45.0% Basic Damage+27 Intelligence45% Lightning Resistance
Chipped Sapphire20+6.0% Vulnerable Damage+6 Willpower9% Cold Resistance
Sapphire40+10.0% Vulnerable Damage+12 Willpower21% Cold Resistance
Flawless Sapphire60+14.0% Vulnerable Damage+18 Willpower33% Cold Resistance
Royal Sapphire90+20.0% Vulnerable Damage+27 Willpower45% Cold Resistance
Chipped Diamond20+7.5% Ultimate Damage+4.0% Barrier Generation1.5% Resistance to All Elements
Diamond40+15.0% Ultimate Damage+6.0% Barrier Generation3.0% Resistance to All Elements
Flawless Diamond60+22.5% Ultimate Damage+8.0% Barrier Generation4.5% Resistance to All Elements
Royal Diamond90+35.0% Ultimate Damage+11.0% Barrier Generation6.0% Resistance to All Elements
Chipped Skull20+3 Life On Kill+4.5% Healing Received+75 Armor
Skull40+18 Life On Kill+8.0% Healing Received+225 Armor
Flawless Skull60+33 Life On Kill+11.5% Healing Received+375 Armor
Royal Skull90+48 Life On Kill+15.0% Healing Received+525 Armor

Visiting the Jeweler and upgrading gems will result in even better stats when placed in your gear.

How to Add Sockets

Aside from crafting gems, you can also place gems in sockets on your characters’ gear to boost their stats. The following types of gear can have sockets:

  • Head – 1 Socket
  • Chest – 2 Sockets
  • Pants – 2 Sockets
  • Amulet – 1 Socket
  • Ring – 1 Socket
  • 1-Handed Weapon – 1 Socket
  • 2-Handed Weapon – 2 Sockets
  • Off-Hand Focus – 1 Socket
  • Bow – 2 Sockets

However, some items drop without any sockets. In such cases, you can visit the Jeweler to manually add a socket to the item, but this will require a Scattered Prism. These can be obtained by looting treasure Goblins, completing legion events, or as a drop from World Bosses, such as Ashava the Pestilent.

How to Remove Gems from Sockets

The Jeweler allows you to remove gems from item sockets, for a price. This costs a certain amount of Gold, with the cost going up as the Item Power of the item itself increases.

Removing gems this way is only useful if you wish to replace the gem with a different type of higher quality of gem. Otherwise, if you are simply upgrading the gear piece itself (and plan to salvage it), paying to have the gem removed is pointless, since the act of salvaging it is free of cost and returns your gem to you. Check out our Blacksmith Guide for more information about how to salvage items.

Blacksmith Guide

Overall, the Jeweler is an important NPC that should be visited on a regular basis to help you improve your equipment and advance through your Diablo 4 journey.

Jeweler Guide for Diablo 4 (Season 4) - How to craft Gems and add Sockets - Icy Veins (2025)


How to craft higher level Gems in Diablo 4 season 4? ›

How to Craft Better Jewels in Diablo 4. The crafting level for Jewels increases once players reach certain levels with their characters. Once a character gets to level 20, level 40, level 50, and level 60, any Jeweler has new crafting options that let players create stronger Gems from pieces found while exploring.

How to add Gems to sockets in Diablo 4? ›

To socket a gem into a piece of gear with empty gem sockets - there should be a black circle over the gear item's icon - click on the gem in your inventory you want to socket, then highlight the gear item you want to receive the gem and select it. This will insert the gem and provide you with its extra buff.

What do you need to craft royal gems Diablo 4? ›

At level 50 you can pick up and equip Flawless gems, but you can't craft them until level 60. You can pick up and equip Royal gems at level 60, but can't craft them until level 70.

Why can't I craft flawless gems in Diablo 4? ›

you should be able to craft tier 3 gems as you are at lvl 60 which is flawless you wont unlock the next tier royal until 90! if you cant craft flawless then you probably don't have enough gem fragments for the materials to craft them!

How to farm gems season 4? ›

Diablo 4 Season 4: Best Way to Farm Gem Fragments

Both the Hall of the Penitent and the Malignant Burrow have Elite enemies with the purple defense auras. Each time you enter the dungeons, there will be at least one or two of these monsters and they always drop Gem Fragments when they die.

How to level up Jeweler in Diablo 4? ›

It takes three of any kind of gem for the Jeweler to make one of a higher level. Adding Sockets: Useful pieces of equipment can get even better with the addition of a socket or two. This requires a rare material known as Scattered Prism, which drops from world bosses or is salvaged from items of Legendary quality.

How do you add gem sockets? ›

Gems can be added to sockets in the "Item Socketing" window, which can be opened by holding shift and right-clicking on a socketed item. The gems are then dragged into the slots, and the "Socket Gems" button is pressed to apply the gems.

What is the best gem for weapons in Diablo 4? ›

Best Weapon Gems for Blizzard Sorcerer

Royal Emerald, which enhances all of our Critical Strike Damage to vulnerable enemies, a must for our build. Royal Sapphire is an option and may actually be a better choice for some circumstances as you'll be fighting more monsters under CCs than vulnerability.

Can you replace Gems in sockets? ›

Once you place a gem into a socket, this cannot be undone. There is a pop-up window in the game that warns you before completing the socket that this action is irreversible. Game Masters cannot remove gems from sockets, or restore the gem that was previously in that socket.

How to craft Legendary Gems? ›

To craft Legendary Gems, you'll need to visit the Apprentice Jeweler. Here, you can exchange runes that you can obtain from completing Elder Rifts, for various Legendary Gems. Each Legendary Gem will require a different combination and number of runes, in order to craft it.

How to upgrade gems past chipped in Diablo 4? ›

While Crude Gems are the most common, you can combine them to upgrade to Chipped Gems at the Gem shop. Later, you can combine Chipped Gems to make them full-fledged Gems, maximizing their potential. And, later down the line, you can even combine some to make Flawless and Royal versions of these Gems.

How to craft flawless ruby in Diablo 4? ›

Upgrading Flawless Ruby to a higher tier requires an investment of 3 Gems and Gold, but it also increases the effectiveness of the Gem when socketed into a piece of gear. Flawless Ruby requires 3 Ruby and 18,000 Gold to be crafted.

What are the best gems for Druids in Diablo 4? ›

Topaz gems are ideal for increasing your Basic Skill Damage, while Rubies boost your Life. Furthermore, selecting any gem that increases your Resistance is a smart move for the Druid.

How many Imperial gems does it take to make flawless Royal? ›

To make 1 Flawless Royal gem, you need: 3 Royal gems… for which you need. 9 Flawless Imperial gens… for which you need. 27 Imperial gems… for which you need.

What is the highest level gem in Diablo 4? ›

Gems Comparison Table
NameUnlocks at LvlCost
Royal Diamond91 (Or completing the Pit within the realm)10,000 Diamond Fragments and 1,000,000 Gold.
Chipped Emerald2010 Emerald Fragments and 1,000 Gold.
Emerald51100 Emerald Fragments and 10,000 Gold.
Flawless Emerald711,000 Emerald Fragments and 100,000 Gold.
24 more rows
Jun 22, 2024

How do you upgrade items in blacksmith Diablo 4? ›

Season 4 introduces a new crafting system called the Tempering System where players can add affixes to their items at the Blacksmith. To do so, players will need to have Temper Manuals as these will determine what affixes you can add to your gear. Temper Manuals can be obtained by completing Nightmare Dungeons.

How do you get a 5 star gem in Diablo? ›

5-Star Legendary Gems. The most powerful Legendary Gems in Diablo Immortal are the ultra-rare 5-Star Legendary Gems. These are only available as drops and cannot be crafted, except extremely rarely through one random recipe. You may want to hold onto some of them and upgrade them when possible.

How do you upgrade legendary gems in Diablo? ›

To upgrade Legendary Gems in Diablo Immortal, go to the Apprentice Jeweler in Westmarch, located in the middle, below Central Square. You can also craft Legendary Gems from the same menu, but to upgrade, select the 'Manage' tab and then the specific Gem you want to upgrade.

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