Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (2025)

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (1)

Traverse the Mountaintops of the Giants and uncover all dungeons and bosses and items with our complete Elden Ring walkthrough.

Mountaintops Guides
Mountaintops Interactive Map Mountaintops Walkthrough

List of Contents

  • Walkthrough
  • Optional Areas
  • Related Guides

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough

Mountaintops of the Giants Map

If you’re aiming to complete all of the optional content, track your progress through Mountaintops of the Giants with our interactive map of the region.

Mountaintops of the Giants Interactive Map and Region Guide

Mountaintops of the Giants Objectives


Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (2)

To get to the Mountaintops of the Giants, first speak to Melina after trying to access the Erdtree in Leyndell, Royal Capital. Enter the Forbidden Lands, mount up Torrent and rush towards the end of the path. A Black Blade Kindred will be guarding the Grand Lift of Rold and will drop the Gargoyle's Black Blades and Gargoyle's Black Axe when defeated. Access the Lift and you will emerge into the Mountaintops of the Giants. ▶ How to Beat Black Blade Kindred (Mountaintops of the Giants)

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (3)

If you enter the Forbidden Lands at night, there will be a Night's Cavalry patrolling the Forbidden Lands near the Forbidden Lands Site of Grace. It will drop the Phantom Slash Ash of War when defeated. ▶ How to Beat Night's Cavalry

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (4)

After exiting the Grand Lift of Rold, head straight ahead to pick up the Mountaintops of the Giants, West Map Fragment and then eventually the Zamor Ruins Site of Grace. You can head through Zamor Ruins, which is full of Ancient Heroes of Zamor enemies. Here you can find the Smithing-Stone Miner's Bell Bearing 3, the Zamor Ice Storm Incantation, and a Teardrop Scarab that drops a Somber Smithing Stone 7 when defeated.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (5)

Shabriri can also be found here, even if you did not progress Yura's questline. You can talk to him or defeat him to obtain his armor set.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (6)

Past Zamor Ruins is a path that will eventually lead north, where several Fire Monks and a Fire Prelate are standing before a long bridge. You can find the Briars of Punishment Incantation here on a tree. A Golem Archer will be firing arrows at you as you cross the bridge, so be careful not to get knocked off! There's a Lost Ashes of War on the bridge that you can grab. Past the Golem, head straight to find the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace. Millicent is here if you have progressed her questline.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (7)

From the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace, go north and then east when you reach the frozen river. You will eventually arrive at the Freezing Lake Site of Grace, where there is an Invisible Scarab can be found east of it, on the lake's edge. Defeating it will net you the Seppuku Ash of War. Visibility is low when you start to cross the Freezing Lake, but you will eventually encounter Borealis, the Freezing Fog as you near the middle. They'll drop a Dragon Heart upon defeat. ▶ How to Beat Borealis the Freezing Fog

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (8)

South from Borealis' location is the First Church of Marika where you can find a Site of Grace, the Somberstone Miner's Bell Bearing 3, 3 Smithing Stone 7, and a Sacred Tear to upgrade your Flask.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (9)

Head west and you will eventually arrive at the Guardian's Garrison, which guards the chain bridge leading forward. In the Guardian's Garrison you can find 6 Smoldering Butterflies, a Golden Rune 10, a Smithing Stone 7, a Stonesword Key, and the Giant's Prayerbook. You will also find Chief Guardian Arghanthy here, who drops the One-Eyed Shield on defeat. In the small encampment south of the Garrison, you can find a Scarab hanging from a tree. Defeating it will give you the Prelate's Charge Ash of War.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (10)

Cross the chain bridge south of the Guardian's Garrison and you will arrive at the Giants' Gravepost Site of Grace. You can pick up the Mountaintops of the Giants East Map Fragment nearby.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (11)

Continue south until you reach another chain bridge and the Foot of the Forge Site of Grace. Crossing the bridge will take you to the fight with the Fire Giant. ▶ How to Beat Fire Giant

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (12)

After defeating the Fire Giant, head northeast towards the Forge of the Giants and circle around the rim until you reach the Forge of Giants Site of Grace. Resting here will give you the option to talk to Melina. Talk to her to proceed to the next area.

Mountaintops of the Giants Optional Areas

Jump To An Area!
Mountaintops of the Giants, West Mountaintops of the Giants, East

Mountaintops of the Giants, West

Map Location What You Can Find

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (13)

View Full Image Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave
Grave Glovewort 7 x 2
Grave Glovewort 8 x 3
Grave Glovewort 9 x 2
Ghost Glovewort 9 x 1
Great Grave Glovewort x 1
Cranial Vessel Candlestand
Giant's Seal
Flame, Protect Me
Zamor Curved Sword
Zamor Set Note: The Ancient Hero of Zamor boss will drop the Zamor Curved Sword and the Zamor Set upon defeat.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (14)

View Full Image Giants' Mountaintop Catacombs
Grave Glovewort 7 x 3
Grave Glovewort 8 x 3
Grave Glovewort 9 x 1
Ghost Glovewort 7 x 1
Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2
Ritual Pot
Fire Monk Ashes
Deathroot Note: The Ulcerated Tree Spirit boss will drop the Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing 2 and the Deathroot upon defeat.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (15)

View Full Image Minor Erdtree
Founding Rain of Stars Note: To get inside the Heretical Rise, you must cross an invisible bridge, which can be accessed from the other side of the cliffs. The nearest Site of Grace where you can cross the bridge is Snow Valley Ruins Overlook.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (16)

View Full Image Stargazers' Ruins
Crimson Bubbletear
Cerulean Crystal Tear Note: The Erdtree Avatar will drop both Crystal Tears upon defeat.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (17)

View Full Image Shack of the Lofty
Traveling Maiden Set
Hoslow's Set
Hoslow's Petal Whip Note: Juno Hoslow can be Invaded here as part of the Volcano Manor questline. He will drop his armor set and Hoslow's Petal Whip when defeated.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (18)

View Full Image Castle Sol
Golden Rune 10 x 2
Rune Arc x 1
Smithing Stone 7 x 3
Smithing Stone 5 x 1
Smithing Stone 6 x 2
Freezing Grease x 1
Thawfrost Boluses x 4
Golden Rune 9 x 1
Nascent Butterfly x 1
Stonesword Key
Stormhawk Axe
Eclipse Shotel
Cerulean Amber Medallion +1
Sorcerer Painting
Furlcalling Finger Remedy
Veteran's Prosthesis
Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) Note: Commander Niall will drop the Veteran's Prosthesis when defeated. You can also find the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Left) in the tower after his arena, which is needed to access Miquella's Haligtree.

Mountaintops of the Giants, East

Map Location What You Can Find

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (19)

View Full Image Heretical Rise
Founding Rain of Stars Note: To get inside the Heretical Rise, you must cross an invisible bridge, which can be accessed from the other side of the cliffs. The nearest Site of Grace where you can cross the bridge is Snow Valley Ruins Overlook.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (20)

View Full Image Spiritcaller Cave
Hero's Rune 1 x 1
Rune Arc
White Reed Set
Black Flame Ritual
Godskin Swaddling Cloth Note: The Godskin Apostle and Godskin Noble boss fight will drop the Godskin Swaddling Cloth and the Black Flame Ritual Incantation.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (21)

View Full Image Lord Contender's Evergaol
Vyke's Dragonbolt
Fingerprint Set Note: Roundtable Knight Vyke will drop both Vyke's Dragonbolt and his armor set when he's defeated.

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (22)

View Full Image Church of Repose
Sacred Tear
Troll's Roar
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone
Rivers of Blood
Okina Mask Note: Bloody Finger Okina Invades outside the Church of Repose and will drop both the Okina Mask and Rivers of Blood. The Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and the Troll's Roar Ash of War can be found southeast of the Church.

Elden Ring Related Guides

Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (23)

Walkthrough and Progression Route

Story Walkthrough

Base Game Walkthrough
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Siofra River Caelid
Ainsel River Altus Plateau
Mountaintops of the Giants Leyndell, Ashen Capital

DLC Walkthrough

Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Walkthrough
What to Do First What to Do After Rellana
What to Do After Messmer What to Do After Consort Radahn

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Mountaintops of the Giants Walkthrough | Elden Ring|Game8 (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.