Shattered Throne Solo Flawless Should Reward SOMETHING > All Topics | Forums | (2024)

[b]At the very least[/b] Solo Flawless Shattered Throne should yield some kind of reward. Currently, you get no Triumph points for the Triumph, no emblem or variant showing you did Solo Flawless (regular Solo does), and it isn't required for the Cursebreaker Title. It was a great experience, but that was it. There's no actual reason to do it.I see an emblem or emblem variant being the easy fix, a necessary fix. When regular Solo has more incentive than Flawless Solo, there is a problem. -Currently, there's no way to actively show you did Solo Flawless Shattered Throne, just Solo. Right now it's just a personal achievement. But what's the point of any personal achievement or experience if there is no way to share it with others directly or indirectly? To not have proof of said achievement or experience?-[i]This is where I lose most of you people. Below I will discuss what, ideally, I would like to be done with Flawless Solo. I doubt it will happen at this point, but it's worth my time to talk about. [/i]-I think Flawless Solo should be tied to the Cursebreaker Title. I know, how dare I wish for exclusivity! Before you go running to comments and thumbs down this post purely because you don't agree with this part, again I really doubt this will happen. People are close to getting the Cursebreaker Title at this point. It's probably too late to add something like this and it would probably rub the average and casual player the wrong way.... For reasons I will argue against to the bitter end. Some things you just don't -blam!-ing deserve. You put in the time, you play the content, you get the content. No life excuses, no handouts. I know these players are the majority in these forums so have at it.-I'll probably touch on this more later, but for now let me answer replies that I know I will get from other discussions I've had about this...[b]● That makes getting the Cursebreaker Title too hard, hardly anyone will get it![/b] That's the point of this and any Title. The devoted and the skilled get these things. How many people will have the Rivensbane Title? It's all on player preference, but I see the "Wayfarer" Title as your beginner's Title, the easiest to get. They are comparable to exclusive "Veteran rewards" but they are meant for the more active playerbase. Could the average or casual player get a Title still? For sure! That would make the accomplishment that much sweeter. I applaud them, because, again, it's not designed for them. This is hardcore endgame rewards, just like any game with these sort of things.[b]● Who cares about Titles? It's just text under your name. Purely cosmetic.[/b] I care, and many, many others. If it has no concern with you, then why be against it? You might not care, but some people enjoy going after these things.[b]● Aren't you an elitist? Need the simplest thing to make you think you are better than everyone? Need bragging rights?[/b] I don't see Titles as "bragging rights" as most would assume. I see them as a way to show your commitment, what you are committed to, what kind of player you are, and what you enjoy doing the most. You see someone with a large amount of clears in Last Wish you know what kind of player they are. You know what they enjoy doing.This doesn't need to be part of a Title, though. Just give players a reason to do this. Solo shouldn't yield more than Solo Flawless. It just shouldn't.-I see it this way... Rivensbane is for your hardcore Raiders, Dredgen is for your Gambit specialists, Unbroken is for your Crucible Gods, Chronicler for your Lore Masters, and Wayfarer is the easiest that anyone can achieve if sought after(depends on preference). Cursebreaker could be the ultimate Title for those who play the game alot, are skilled enough, but who rather play in a solo setting while still being challenged. I think doing so would satisfy every aspect of the community, every playstyle and preference of the community. Everyone within the community would have a Title within their grasps for the activities they most enjoy. I doubt this would be implemented now, but for the future, this could be a wonderful addition. They took a great step forward with this kind of content. It just missed the mark, however. It was a homerun, but not a grand slam. That's my intentions here.You can carry a player through the Raid, but you can't carry a player to the Rivensbane Title. That's all on them to put in the time and devotion. To put Solo Flawless as a requirement for Cursebreaker Title would make it THEE ultimate Solo player goal/achievement. It would be BEAUTIFUL when, again, every other player preference has a Title. I'm far from alone in my preference, my ideal gameplay setting. A Title for the higher end Solo player... that would be amazing. Please, make it happen. I'm certain it won't, at least not these Titles, so don't get your panties in a bunch, but for the future. I will continue to push for SOMETHING here in the Forums until there is. There should be. An emblem variant seems like the easiest choice. You may not agree with everything that I've said, but there's no way to argue that Solo should be more rewarding than Solo Flawless.Thank you.



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Shattered Throne Solo Flawless Should Reward SOMETHING > All Topics | Forums | (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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